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Promoting Innovation in Public Safety, Critical Infrastructure, and the Global Economy.

Recent Press & News

GPS is the Cornerstone for Emergency Services, GPS World Magazine, July 2024

Don't sacrifice U.S. leadership in GPS to protect against unproven security risks, Breaking Defense, May 24, 2024

GPS is the Unsung Hero in the Push to Modernize Infrastructure, DC Journal, May 22, 2024

No more jammer sales: It's time for global enforcement, Space News, April 22, 2024

Wireless Innovation Forum Podcast, "Beyond the Radio Dial," with Lisa Dyer, April 12, 2024

GPSIA Statement on Foreign GNSS Satellite Signals in Receivers
March 19, 2024

GPSIA Statement on GNSS Disruptions
February 14, 2024

GPS Recognized in H.Res.868
January 18, 2024

GPSIA Celebrates the First 50 Years of GPS with Government and Industry Leaders
November 20, 2023​

For more see our Press Releases page


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